Pictured below is the final state of a card. The graphic elements appear one by one as you click the mouse button.
1. "Read me! Physics" and "Read me! SolveLinEqs".
2. "SuperCard Player Install.dmg". Run this to install the "SuperCard Player 4.73" folder.
3. "PICS folder". Put this in the "SuperCard Player 4.73" folder.
4. Semester I folder. There are 34 SuperCard projects covering the first semester. The number before each name is its order in a course using Halliday and Resnick. Just double click a project to run it. The first card explains what to do.
5. Semester II folder. There are 33 SuperCard projects covering the second semester.
6. Semester I list A list of the project names for Semester I.
7. Semester II list A list of the project names for Semester II.
8. "SolveLinEqs" application.
Version 2.6 has the installer for the 4.72 version of the SuperCard 4.7 Player.
Version 2.7 has the installer for the 4.73 version of the SuperCard 4.7 Player.
I welcome contributions to my projects. More worked out problems would be very useful to the student reader. Please give yourself credit on your contributed cards.
Physics.zip (10.5 MB) Mac OS X only!